(OC Register) In Southern California, Afghan refugees seek out education
More than 500 refugee families — most from Afghanistan but also some from Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Egypt — benefited from the initiative. Google, through Welcome.US, donated the refurbished laptops that were distributed. Families also received bags of rice, heaters, school supplies, winter coats and hygiene kits.

(Pasadena Now) New Horizon School: Wishing You the Blessings of Ramadan!
With NHSP’s commitment to the betterment of community, the school will be giving 15% of its Ramadan donations to Afghan Refugee Relief, a volunteer-driven grassroots nonprofit organization supporting newly arrived families from Afghanistan. Afghan Refugee Relief provides groceries, hygiene products, furniture, rental assistance and more to the newly arrived brothers and sisters from Afghanistan. Join New Horizon School Pasadena in supporting these families as they embark on their first Ramadan in their new homes.

(Propublica) These Children Fled Afghanistan Without Their Families. They’re Stuck in U.S. Custody.
“Even children who have no prior traumatic experiences would begin to show signs of distress at this point, being in shelter care for this long,” said Saman Hamidi-Azar, who visits children in ORR facilities as a volunteer with Afghan Refugee Relief, a community organization in California.

(NPR) Thousands of Afghan refugees are still living in hotels while they wait for housing
When Kabul fell to the Taliban last August, Aziz grabbed his backpack and rushed to the airport with his wife and two young children. Seven months later, he's still living out of a backpack.

(AP News) Afghans resettling in US struggle to find affordable housing
IRVINE, Calif. (AP) — After fleeing her home in now-Taliban controlled Afghanistan, Mozhgan Entazari did everything she could to find a new one for her family in the sunny, palm tree-lined communities of Southern California.

(Spectrum News) Afghan refugee support expands to vacant Sears building, efforts abroad
ORANGE, Calif. — Each Sunday, Metra Azar-Salem, an Afghan American, walks through the newly created kitchen supply aisle looking for household essentials.
With a cart in hand, she enjoys these weekly shopping trips, knowing that each item picked out will soon help a family in need.
“We’ve always been contributing to different programs in Afghanistan,” Azar-Salem said. “So all of a sudden, these Afghans were going to be here. Right in our neighborhood and there was this immense feeling of wanting to give back.”

(OC Register) Afghan refugees find generosity, chaos as they settle in Orange County—The Orange County Register
Dozens of families are living in hotels. Housing is scarce and case workers stretched thin. But success stories are adding up.

(Huffington Post) "아기를 살리려고..." 탈레반 점령한 아프가니스탄을 탈출하던 부부가 미군에게 건넨 아기가 5개월 만에 아무도 예상 못 한 곳에서 발견됐다 (영상)
작년 미군이 아프가니스탄에서 철수하기로 결심하면서 많은 아프간 시민들이 아프가니스탄을 탈출했다.
출처 : 허프포스트코리아(https://www.huffingtonpost.kr)

(Reuters) Exclusive: Baby lost in chaos of Afghanistan airlift found, returned to family
KABUL, Afghanistan, Jan 8 (Reuters) - An infant boy handed in desperation to a soldier across an airport wall in the chaos of the American evacuation of Afghanistan has been found and was reunited with his relatives in Kabul on Saturday.
The baby, Sohail Ahmadi, was just two months old when he went missing on Aug. 19 as thousands of people rushed to leave Afghanistan as it fell to the Taliban.
Following an exclusive Reuters story published in November with his pictures, the baby was located in Kabul where a 29-year-old taxi driver named Hamid Safi had found him in the airport and took him home to raise as his own.

(Telegraaf) Zoekgeraakte Afghaanse baby terug bij familie: taxichauffeur bij vliegveld reddende engel
KABUL - Een Afghaanse baby die afgelopen zomer tijdens de evacuatie in Kabul van zijn ouders werd gescheiden, is herenigd met zijn familie in Kabul, laat zijn grootvader zondag weten. De ouders hopen nu dat het kind naar de VS kan worden gebracht.

(Avvenire) Ritrovato il bimbo affidato ai marine nella fuga da Kabul
Il piccolo Sohail tornerà presto in famiglia». I taleban riprendono a distribuire i passaporti per chi vuole espatriare. Blitz di un gruppo di veterani in Afghanistan: riportate negli Usa 47 persone

(Insider) Afghan refugee organization says they received 'very credible lead' in search for missing baby who was handed to US soldier during Kabul airport pullout
An Afghan refugee organization offered a glimmer of hope this week in the ongoing saga of baby Sohail — the Afghan child who remains missing months after he was handed to a US soldier amid the chaotic Kabul airport pullout in August.
Afghan Refugee Relief, a grassroots resettling organization, posted an Instagram update in the case on Monday.

(Independent Espanol) Bebé entregado a soldados estadounidenses durante caos en Kabul sigue desaparecido
Un bebé de dos meses entregado a los soldados estadounidenses durante el caótico puente aéreo desde el aeropuerto de Kabul sigue desaparecido, meses después de que su desesperada familia fuera evacuada de la capital de Afganistán cuando los talibanes tomaron el poder.

(The Daily Beast) ‘Nightmare’ Case of Afghan Baby Who Vanished After Being Handed to U.S. Troops at ‘Impasse’
Dr. Saman Hamidi-Azar, chair of the unaccompanied children task force at Afghan Refugee Relief, told The Daily Beast she had been referred to Sohail’s case on Oct. 3. Since then, several other NGOs, including Operation Allies Welcome and UNICEF have been involved in efforts to locate the baby.

(Sky IT) Afghanistan, scomparso neonato di due mesi affidato ai soldati Usa. Il padre: "Aiutateci"
Èaccaduto il 19 agosto all’aeroporto di Kabul. I genitori, temendo che il bambino venisse schiacciato dalla folla, lo hanno dato a un militare americano, ma una volta dentro lo scalo non lo hanno più trovato. La famiglia ora si trova in Texas e un gruppo di sostegno per i rifugiati ha creato un cartello "Missing Baby" con la foto di Sohail nella speranza che qualcuno lo riconosca

(Nos) Afghaanse baby spoorloos die in Kabul aan Amerikaanse militair werd overhandigd
Een Afghaans stel dat tijdens de chaos op het vliegveld van Kabul op 19 augustus hun baby aan een Amerikaanse militair gaf, weet drie maanden later niet waar het kind nu is. Vermoedelijk is het kind naar de VS geëvacueerd, maar het is onduidelijk waarheen. Dat zeggen de man en de vrouw tegen persbureau Reuters. Zelf zijn ze inmiddels ook geëvacueerd naar Amerika.

(Meaww) Where is Sohail Ahmadi? Baby still MISSING months after being handed to US soldiers
A photo of a baby being handed over to a US soldier over the fence amid chaos at the Kabul airport this August had gone viral. It's been two months since the incident and there's no word regarding the child.

(Amnesty USA) Over 100 Organizations Sign Letter To National Security Council Calling For More Support For Afghans At Risk

(Viet Bao) They Came to Orange County…
They are the Afghan refugees who were rescued from the country by the US government at the last hour. They are strangers who have just been brought in by Charities to settle in the Orange County area. Although "people" are strange, the situation is very familiar, which is what Vietnamese refugees had to go through more than 40 years ago. No relatives, no friends, no community, no home, no job… Is it different that Vietnamese people have been fortunate enough to be guaranteed and cared for by their parishioners, churches, or generous sponsors?

(OC Register) Here’s how to help Afghan refugees arriving in Southern California
Local organizations are taking donations and asking for volunteers to help support families who've fled from Afghanistan.